bored… >_____<

Since its the school holidays for me, I’m supposed to be really glad and relaxed….yet…somehow, I feel too bored to do much of anything…including watching anime..OAO I’m already starting to get bored watching anime..[which is apparently one of my favourite hobbies…] Am about to complete Hidan no Aria, which is not bad of an anime…     Yeaps, it has action and enough comedy to … Continue reading bored… >_____<


Turned on the TV and just happened to re-watch a bit of Inuyasha The Final Act….It made me want to re-watch the whole Inuyasha series again…. A middle school girl Higurashi Kagome who lives on the grounds of her family’s hereditary Shinto shrine. When she goes into the well house to retrieve her cat, a centipede demon bursts out of the enshrined Bone Eater’s Well and pulls … Continue reading Inuyasha…~~